NeuroBagel is a collection of containerized services that can be deployed in a variety of way. This page describes a deployment using podman and podman-compose that is confirmed to be working on machine with a basic Debian 12 installation.
For other installation methods, please refer to the NeuroBagel documentation.
The following instruction set up a “full-stack” NeuroBagel deployment. The contains all relevant components
- query front-end
- federation API
- node API
- graph database
This setup is suitable for a self-contained deployment, such as the central TRR379 node. Other deployments may only need a subset of these services.
On the target machine, NeuroBagel services will run “rootless”. This means they operate under a dedicated user account with minimal privileges.
Required software
Only podman, and its compose feature are needed. They can be installed via the system package manager.
sudo apt install podman podman-compose
User setup
We create a dedicated user neurobagel
on the target machine.
NeuroBagel will be deployed under this user account, and all software and data will be stored in its HOME directory.
# new user, prohibit login, disable password
sudo adduser neurobagel --disabled-password --disabled-login
# allow this user to run prcoess while not logged in
sudo loginctl enable-linger neurobagel
# allow this user to execute systemd commands interactively.
# this needs XDG_RUNTIME_DIR define.
# the demo below is for ZSH
sudo -u neurobagel -s
echo 'export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$UID"' >> ~/.zshrc
Configure NeuroBagel
In the HOME directory of the neurobagel
user we create the complete runtime environment for the service.
All configuration is obtained from a Git repository.
# become the `neurobagel` user
sudo -u neurobagel -s
# fetch the setup
git clone recipes
# create the runtime directory
mkdir -p run/data/
mkdir -p run/secrets/
# copy over the demo data for testing (can be removed later)
cp recipes/data/* run/data
# generate passwords (using `pwgen` here, but could be any)
pwgen 20 1 > run/secrets/NB_GRAPH_ADMIN_PASSWORD.txt
pwgen 20 1 > run/secrets/NB_GRAPH_PASSWORD.txt
# configure the the address of the "local" NeuroBagel
# node to query
cat << EOT > recipes/local_nb_nodes.json
"NodeName": "TRR379 central node",
"ApiURL": ""
Web server setup
NeuroBagel comprises a set of services that run on local ports that are routed to the respective containers.
Here we use caddy as a reverse proxy to expose the necessary services via https
at their canonical locations.
# append the following configuration to the caddy config
cat << EOT >> /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
# neurobagel query tool {
reverse_proxy localhost:13700
# neurobagel apis
# graph db api not exposed at 13701 {
reverse_proxy localhost:13702
} {
reverse_proxy localhost:13703
A matching DNS setup must be configured separately.
Manage NeuroBagel with systemd
We use systemd for managing the NeuroBagel service processes, the launch, and logging. This makes it largely unnecessary to interact with podman directly, and allows for treating the containerized NeuroBagel like any other system service.
The following service unit specification is all that is needed. With more recent versions of podman and podman-compose better setups are possible. using podman version. However, this one is working with the stock versions that come with Debian 12 (podman 4.3.1 and podman-composer 1.0.3) and requires no custom installations.
mkdir -p .config/systemd/user/
cat << EOT > .config/systemd/user/neurobagel.service
Description=NeuroBagel rootless pod (podman-compose)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up
ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml down
With this setup in place, we can launch NeuroBagel
# reload the webserver config to enable the reverse proxy setup
# (only necessary once)
sudo systemctl reload caddy
# launch the service (pulls all images, loads data, etc).
# after a minutes the service should be up
systemctl --user start neurobagel
# configure systemd to auto-launch NeuroBagel in case of a
# system reboot
systemctl --user enable neurobagel.service